Jemma reveals her beauty diet

jemmacropped.jpgIn an exclusive interview model,make up artist and beauty expert, Jemma Kidd discusses her beauty regime.

Recently appointed as a Beauty Ambassador for Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend, she explains why she has been a fan of this special oil for many years:

How did you get started in the beauty industry?

I started out in the industry as a model, but I was never really comfortable – unlike my little sister Jodie! When I discovered what it was like being on the other end of the make-up brush, I knew I’d found the right career. I was lucky to work as an assistant to make-up supremo Mary Greenwell for five years then, in 1999, I was spotted by Premier Hair and Make Up Agency and taken on their books.  Since then I’ve worked with leading fashion designers, photographers and a host of prestigious magazines, including American and British Vogue, Vanity Fair and Elle. I also have a weekly beauty column in the Mail on Sunday’s YOU magazine.

In 2003, I founded an academy in London to train professional make-up artists that also offers a range of make-up workshops for women of all ages and have created three distinctive make-up ranges – Jemma Kidd Make Up School, Jemma Kidd PRO and JK Jemma Kidd – which are now sold throughout the UK and overseas.
You started your career as a model – what prompted you to switch to becoming a make-up artist?

I have always been creative and found myself watching the make-up artists backstage, wanting to know all of their secrets. I felt more at home behind the scenes than on the catwalk – the vibe, the buzz, the people – I just loved it. In retrospect, modelling was the best training I could have had. I learned from incredible artists, but I also know the feeling of having make-up applied badly
Why did you decide to start your own make-up school?

Establishing the Jemma Kidd Make Up School was an idea that came to me after a girl flew over from Deli to be taught by me for a week so that she could work in Bollywood. When I was a session make-up artist I used to get inundated with requests from friends to do their make-up and was constantly asked by mothers to show their daughters how to apply it correctly. I soon realised that millions of women wear make-up, but very few of them have been taught how to apply it and I felt that there was a need for a place where women could come and learn about make-up without the pressure to buy.
Nutritionists often quote the phrase: “Beauty comes from within”. Do you believe that nutrition can play an important role in how a person’s skin looks?

Absolutely! Good skincare and make-up can help improve the appearance of your complexion and help mask any problems, but healthy habits will make your skin glow naturally. I always try to eat well, drink lots of fresh fruit/veg juices, keep my intake of Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids up, sleep for at least eight hours per night (which is incredibly difficult with twin toddlers!), try to improve my digestion, and party in moderation. I’m a firm believer that beauty really does come from within and that the key is a healthy gut.
When did you first become interested in nutrition?

Nutrition is an important part of looking good, so I have been researching and learning about it for a long time as a part of my work in the beauty world. I have had a few problems over the years with my digestive system and feeling exhausted all the time with so much travelling – I was drowning myself in teas, coffees, and sweet foods to try and get more energy. It wasn’t until I went to see a nutritionist that I realised what I was doing wouldn’t help, and that getting a healthy diet and taking the correct vitamins and supplements would make me feel so much better. She was right of course! Now I only eat foods that suit my body and the change is extraordinary – I feel like a new person. All it took was cutting out a few foods and taking a few supplements.
We aren’t taught very much about nutrition in schools these days. At your Make Up School do you ever see women with dry skin conditions who are trying to mask this rather than tackle the causes?  What advice do you tend to offer them?

One of the most common mistakes I see at the Academy is women attempting to apply make-up to dehydrated skin. It’s hugely important to create an even complexion before applying colour products so that skin doesn’t end up looking blotchy. In terms of skincare, I advise taking time to prep skin thoroughly – moisturise well and use a hydrating serum under foundation, which will act as a barrier against water loss. I also suggest opting for liquid and crème formulas as opposed to powders which can draw attention to any dry or flaky patches.  Of course it’s also vital to tackle the root cause of dehydration by drinking lots of fluids throughout the day and Udo’s Oil is a big help here keeping skin moisturised from the inside.  If I feel it’s a deeper problem, I advise them to see a nutritionist.
What are the key messages you try to convey to your students at the Make Up School with regards to beauty?

Make-up shouldn’t be used as a mask – it’s more of an enhancer. Good skin comes from within, so what we put in our bodies is reflected in how we look. We teach our students how to handle problem skin and how to enhance their complexions with the power of make-up tips and techniques.
Have you always been interested in natural products?

I’m a huge believer in natural products, even more so now that I’ve had kids. I feed them and my husband the most natural organic foods I can, and I only use organic natural shampoos, body creams, suncreams, nappy creams and toothpastes. I also use homeopathy for problems like teething, irritability and colds.
When did you first hear about Udo’s Oil and how were you introduced to it?

“Now I can use make up to enhance my features rather than mask them”

When you research and read about achieving perfect skin (which is one of my quests in life!), one thing that comes back time and time again is that it is essential to have a good source of Omega-3, 6 and 9. This was where I came across Udo’s, as it’s the most effective way to get all three.   I found it in my local independent health food store and once I started taking it, I could feel and see an improvement almost instantly – not only in my skin, but also in my hair and nails.  I rarely get skin blemishes now and my concealer has virtually been made redundant!  Now I can use make up to enhance my features rather than mask them.

How do you take Udo’s Oil?

I put it on a salad at lunch, or in a fruit/veg juice in the morning. If I’m in a hurry, I mix it with apple juice and down it!

You are a new mum – has Udo’s Oil helped you in any way?

I give my babies a small amount most days, as I want to give them the best start in life and Udo’s Oil will help their development. Having babies puts a huge amount of pressure on your body and I felt depleted after giving birth. I completely came off any diet and ate whatever my body craved. And the one thing I really craved (other than bucket-loads of pasta!) was Udo’s Oil. I think that shows how much my body needed it.

Omega 3 and 6 are depleted in mums as they have to share them with their growing baby and this can lead to dry skin, stretch marks and low energy.  This continues after birth if breastfeeding too so Udo’s Oil is great for boosting the amount of Omegas for both mum and child.

 What has been your career highlight to date?

Right from the start of my career it was always my dream to create a make-up line, so launching the Jemma Kidd Make Up School range was a huge achievement. I spent months developing each single eyeshadow colour to make sure they were perfect – it became my complete passion.

What ambitions do you still have for you and for your Make Up School?

I have so many ideas and passions I want to fulfil, starting a foundation to help educate under-privileged children is one. We’re always looking to expand the Jemma Kidd Make Up School brand and bring it to new audiences and markets across the world. At the moment, all my energy is focused on our latest venture called Jemma Kidd masterclass@HOME, which aims to bring the professional step-by-step tuition available at the Jemma Kidd Make Up School to people’s homes nationwide.


More info on Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend

Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend is a blend of organic seed oils that provide all the Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3 and 6 we require daily in the ideal ratio of 2:1.  Udo’s Oil is easily mixed in with food and drink to incorporate these essential fats into our diets.  Recipes and more information can be found at

Flax seed oil*, sunflower seed oil*, sesame seed oil*, coconut oil*, evening primrose oil* (13 mg gla/15 ml), soy lecithin, rice bran and rice germ oils, oat bran and oat germ* oils, mixed tocopherols: the oils in this blend supply a range of fatty acids including 2:1:1 ratio of Omega 3, 6 and 9.
* certified organic

The real detox

Yogatastic Don’t spend loads of money on detox packs or string yourself out on a disgusting syrup, juice and pepper concoction – commit to something which actually works…

Every year we say we will stop eating when we feel full, or have one or two fewer glasses of wine but it never works.Well now the forced excess is all over and it’s time for punishing ourselves with the latest detox and weight loss fad. Or is it?

Losing that bloated sinking feeling and getting yourself back on track for 2011 could be much simpler than you realise.

We know the celebrities all endorse various detox/weight loss plans and we understand why. They are under a great amount of pressure to look good and above all, be the slimmest they can be, which prompts drastic measures in even the least neurotic and anxious of people. For those of us living our mundane (cough) everyday lives, such drastic action is not required: a few little tweaks can make all the difference.

Here are six quick tips to banish that ‘jabba the hutt’ feeling:

1. Make sure you get enough sleep. When you are tired your body wants the high energy, quick fix food which is very bad news for your blood sugar level and waistline. Tired people are also less likely to have the energy to exercise. Tired people always look older: perhaps the most effective inducement to get enough shut-eye. Need any more reasons?!

2. As above, high energy/sugar food is very bad news for you (unless you are a super-duper fit athlete who burns a gazillion calories a day). Eating high sugar foods sends you up into the stratosphere for about 20 minutes until you crash back down to earth and into the biscuit cupboard. We don’t need to give it up completely, just reduce portion size and be careful not to eat your treat after dinner as those calories will be going nowhere fast.

3. Raise your heart rate for at least 15 minutes a day. We all have some lonely exercise equipment or one of the many computer console exercise programs to hand for a quick endorphin boost, so requires no extra spenditure.  It gives you a little extra energy to go about your business and you don’t have to trek to the gym to spend time with other sweaty people. Yuck.

4. Alcohol. We’re sorry to have to say this but if you want to feel better within a week, any delicious alcohol-based beverage is out. Alcohol is full of sugar. Wine is quite probably the healthiest of all the marketed beverages but still, as above, we know it is hard to restrict ourselves to just the one glass. So we advocate cutting it out for just a little while. Your liver will give thanks and you will very soon notice you are much less sluggish with better skin.

5. Fruit and veg. You may have heard the news, you may not have done, but here it is; we do not have to eat 5 portions of fruit or veg a day. Of course it is advisable to eat as much as you can without stressing or obsessing if for no other reason that by eating something green, you are not eating a big cake or pork pie. Fruit is nice as well. You may have forgotten how nice it is with all those sugar laden treats out there but if you manage to cut back your sugar intake you will rediscover just how naturally beautiful many fruits are. Try to eat the actual fruits instead of getting juice – the fibre helps slow the flow of sugar into your bloodstream.

6. Supplements. The most important are fish oil/omega 3 capsules which come with a side helping of Vitamin D – perfect for sharpening the old brain functions and making us feel less depressed about being mid-winter. There is no Vitamin D RDA and although we probably get enough help from the sun during summer, we need to supplement like crazy in winter. If you are over 50 you should be taking a Vitamin D supplement all year round. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to all the old life threatening bad pennies of heart disease, diabetes and cancer and more research needs to be done to see exactly what deficient people are missing out on. As far as other vitamins are concerned: if you can manage a small daily dose of vitamin C, this will also help to reduce your chances of getting a bad cold.

See, not a massive change, but will help you start to feel loads better and you might be inspired to effect a bigger change in your lifestyle. It doesn’t take much to get your body back on track – our organs, especially our main detox organ – the marvellous liver – are very resilient and do their very best job with just a little help from us.


Forget apples, eating fish and nuts are the way to keep the doctor and the dentist away…

GumsIs there no end to the benefits bestowed upon us by the multi-talented good fats?

The old saying goes ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor/ dentist away – delete former/latter depending on your generation. But there seems to be something which can knock any fruit or vegetable into a cocked hat: yes, the humble polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

A new piece of research has suggested that Omega 3 fatty acids found in foods such as oily fish, nuts and eggs will help people avoid gum disease and the more serious periodontitis.

The research examined the diet of 182 adults between 1999 and 2004, and found that those who consumed the highest amounts of fatty acids were a whole 30 per cent less likely to develop gum disease and 20 per cent less likely to develop periodontitis (severe gum disease).

Lead researcher of the study, Dr Asghar Z. Naqvi of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre in Boston, said: “We found that n-3 fatty acid intake, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are inversely associated with periodontitis in the US population.”

As a result of this research, Dr Naqvi believes that dietary therapy could become a less expensive and safer way of preventing/treating periodontitis. Currently treatment involves mechanical cleaning and the application of antibiotics. Encouraging sufferers to eat more fish and nuts would also benefit their health in other ways.

Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, said: “Most people suffer from gum disease at some point in their life. What people tend not to realise is that it can actually lead to tooth loss if left untreated… This study shows that a small and relatively easy change in people’s diet can massively improve the condition of their teeth and gums, which in turn can improve their overall wellbeing.”

The study was published in the November issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

Gum disease is caused by plaque (the film of bacteria that forms on the surface of the teeth). To prevent and treat gum disease all the plaque must be removed from the teeth every day by brushing twice a day for two minutes each time. This should be followed by cleaning in between teeth with interdental brushes or floss.

Inflammation and soreness of the gums is one of the first signs of gum disease, and often gums bleed when they are brushed during cleaning. You will notice your gums look puffy and inflamed where they meet your teeth.

Over time gum disease becomes more severe and can impact the tissues supporting the teeth. The bone anchoring the teeth in the jaw is lost and the teeth become loose, if not treated this can lead to teeth eventually falling out. 

Anyone with inflamed and bleeding gums should visit their dentist to find out the appropriate way to treat it. If caught early, gum disease can be easily cured by short term use of medicated gels and mouthwash.

The British Dental Health Foundation is the UK’s leading oral health charity, with a 39-year track record of providing public information and influencing government policy. It maintains a free consumer advice service, an impartial and objective product accreditation scheme, publishes and distributes a wide range of literature for the profession and consumers, and runs National Smile Month each May, to promote greater awareness of the benefits of better oral health.

The Dental Helpline, which offers free impartial advice to consumers, can be contacted on 0845 063 1188 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, they can be contacted by email on

The Foundation’s website can be found at



Fuss about food – Omega 3

fishoil.jpgAfter the big ‘fat is bad’ push of the 1980s and 1990s, we are finally coming around to the idea that some fats are good for us.

But which ones?

The good ones are Polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) and Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs).

Omega 3 and 6 fats are PUFAs and are classed as essential.
Our bodies cannot manufacture these so we need to make sure we are eating foods which contain them.

It seems like every day we hear about something else that we should be eating or drinking. So what makes Omega 3 special?

We need good fats for a whole host of things – every cell in your body relies on fat to survive. They are essential for nerve, heart and brain health and for nearly all of the body’s basic functions.

We seem to have no problem getting enough Omega 6 fat but there is one big catch – Omega 6 fats are dependent on Omega 3 to produce optimal health benefits and are only considered good fats when consumed in moderation.

Omega 3 fats have an amazing role in your body as an anti-imflammatory. Consuming them reduces your risks of developing heart disease, arthritis and cancer. It is widely acknowledged to have a pivotal role in the prevention of heart disease.

Omega 6 fats, while helpful in reducing bad cholesterol, can promote inflammation within our bodies when too much is consumed – a very undesirable quality. The developed world, as a whole, is extremely inflamed.

In the US, diets tend to contain up to 25 times more Omega 6 than Omega 3 fats.

Mediterranean diets have long been studied to identify exactly what promotes heart health and longevity. These studies have indicated that it is the healthy balance between Omega 3 and 6 fatswhich leads to a longer and healthier life.

People who follow such a diet are much less likely to develop heart disease. The mediterranean diet traditionally contains much reduced levels of meat consumption, which is a major source of omega 6 fats. It focuses on foods rich in omega 3 fats, including wholegrains, fresh fruit and vegetables, garlic, fish and olive oil. Moderate intake of wine also adds something to the balance.

If you only take one supplement a day, health professionals are almost all in agreement that it should be a fish oil supplement.

Clinical evidence suggests that EPA and DHA (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, the two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil) help reduce risk factors for heart disease, including high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Fish oil has been shown to lower levels of triglycerides (fats in the blood), and to lower risk of death, heart attack, stroke, and abnormal heart rhythms in people who have already had a heart attack.

If you are sceptical about the importance of these fats, consider the symptoms of someone suffering from a defiency in Omega 3; tiredness, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings, depression and poor circulation.

Omega 3 fats are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function. So if you feel like you need a memory or energy boost, you could find your answer in changing your diet just a little bit.

If you are on blood thinners or diabetes medication, you should consult your GP before starting to take fish oil supplements.

Later this week we will be examining a sinner of the fat world – Trans fats.

Crispy Salmon with Marinated Crudités

Crispy Salmon with  Marinated Crudités


FB-Salmon-w-Marinated-Crudites_p [640x480].jpgServes 4
Preparation time
: 10-15 minutes + 1 hour marinating
Cooking time: 4-6 minutes

100g/4oz fennel
100g/4oz tomatoes
100g/4oz celery
100g/4oz salad onions, trimmed
50g/2oz flat leaf parsley
100g/4oz carrots, peeled
100g/4oz red radishes
50ml/3 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Juice of 2 lemons
4 salmon steaks
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
To garnish:
Lemon wedges
Sprigs of dill

1. Thinly slice the vegetables and chop up the herbs. Place them into a large bowl with 2 tbsp olive oil, lemon juice and seasoning. Allow to marinate for 1 hour.
2. Heat the remaining olive oil and pan-fry the salmon steaks on high heat for about 2-6 minutes each side or until crispy brown.
3. Put the salmon onto 4 hot serving plates served with the marinated vegetables.
4. Garnish with lemon wedges and sprigs of dill.

Cook’s Tip:
Replace the salmon with cod steaks or other seasonal fish.

New vegetarian Omega 3 launches


London: New vegetarian omega-3 brand Echiomega is five times more effective than flaxseed, according to new research

Igennus has launched Echiomega, a new vegetarian omega 3 supplement that offers similar health benefits to oily fish. While most vegetarian-derived omega 3 oils only offer the benefits of short chain fatty acids, Echiomega, made from Croda Health Care’s IncromegaÔ V3 echium oil product, converts to long chain fatty acids up to 5 times greater than other vegetarian omega 3 oils.

Echium oil is obtained by refining oil extracted from the seeds of the Echium plantagineum plant (pictured above), a species of the Boraginaceae family, cultivated in the UK

Dr David Cherry, Vice President of Croda Health Care, said: “Now that Croda Health Care’s IncromegaÔ V3 has its Novel Foods approval we are delighted that Igennus is using it in their new supplement Echiomega. IncromegaÔ V3, which goes through Croda’s advanced Super Refining® process, was developed following years of dedicated research into alternative polyunsaturated fatty acids and fatty acid sources.

“Vegetarians, and particularly vegans, consume low levels of essential long-chain fatty acids in comparison to fish eating populations. Whilst supplementing with the oils found in flaxseed increases their consumption levels slightly, they remain significantly lower than those of fish eaters. The nutritional industry has, therefore, long searched for a vegetarian polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acid such as the type provided in Echiomega.”

Dr Jav Nazemi, CEO of Igennus, said: “As Igennus already produced Vegepa, a pure pharmaceutical-grade fish oil supplement, we identified a great demand for a plant-based omega 3 source to cater for vegetarians, and those who prefer not to consume their recommended weekly intake of oily fish.

Echiomega caters perfectly for this market, and is already approved by the Vegetarian Society.” Echiomega is priced at £11.70 for 60 softgel capsules.

· For more information about Incromega V3Ô and fish oil supplements visit

· Echium:

o Echium plantagineum (Purplu Viper’s Bugloss) is a species of Echium. It is an annual or biennial plant growing 20-60 cm tall, with rough, hairy, lanceolate leaves up to 14 cm long. The flowers are purple, 15-20 mm long, with all the stamens protruding, and borne on a branched spike.

· Echium Oil and Benefits:

o Echium oil is a vegetable oil rich in stearidonic acid, an omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that the body converts to longer chain Omega 3 fatty acids, such as Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosapentaenoic Acid (DHA). It is obtained by refining oil extracted from the seeds of the Echium plantagineum plant, a species of the Boraginaceae family, cultivated in the UK.

o EPA is essential for the regulation of brain functioning and plays an important role in controlling the inflammatory and immune systems. While DHA is beneficial for maternal supplementation for infant development, eye health, depression and improving cognitive functions – especially in the elderly.

· Omega 3 and The Western Diet

o The human body requires adequate amounts of omega 3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids for healthy brain and immune function, cardiovascular health and inflammatory response. The highest yielding source is found in oily fish, whereas vegetarian sources of omega 3 (such as nuts, seeds and flaxseed oil) contain high levels of the short-chain omega 3, alpha linolenic acid (ALA). Unfortunately, it must first of all be converted into the long-chain fats before it can offer benefits such as the regulation of inflammation, immunity and cardiovascular health.

o Due to changes in the modern diet and lifestyle we are exposed to several inhibiting factors – including caffeine, alcohol, deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, viruses and stress, which means that many people cannot convert short-chain fatty acids into the more important long-chain fatty acids. As a result, it can be difficult for vegetarians and vegans to maintain sufficient amounts of the beneficial long-chain omega 3s in their diets. Therefore, The Food Standards Agency currently limits omega 3 health claims (including heart and joint health) to the long-chain omega 3 fatty acids typically found in oily fish.

· Croda Health Care’s Super Refined Process:

o Croda’s growing range of Super Refined® products offer more options for formulation purity. The purity afforded by Croda’s proprietary Super Refining® process helps to maintain an API’s chemical profile, reducing the chances for oxidation and offering the promise of an extended shelf life. Starting with Super Refined® Oils in the 1990’s, the range of Super Refined® products keeps growing, now including PEGs, Polysorbate 20, 60 & 80 and our newest product – Super Refined® Arlasolve™ DMI. With such a wide range of choices, Croda offers even more high purity options for parenteral, oral and topical applications.

Omega 3 – What is it – a briefing from the experts at Croda

Getting the balance right!

There are three types of fat: saturated, monosaturated and polyunsaturated which divide into two groups of essential fatty acids (EFA’s): omega 3 and omega 6 – essential because the body cannot make them on its own – between which there needs to be a strict balance. Today’s Western diet has resulted in an imbalance between the essential fats which holds potentially detrimental effects to long-term health.

Before trans fats and processed foods were added to our diets, the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fats was about 4:1 – a ratio associated with a 70% decrease in total mortality rate in the secondary prevention of heart disease. One recent study found that the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fats consumed today was closer to 16:1.

Other researchers say that the typical Western diet contains 11-30 times more omega 6 than omega 3 fats. And in a study of asthmatic patients, a 10:1 ratio was associated with adverse conditions.

Why does this matter? When the ratio between them becomes imbalanced, that is, when omega 6s overwhelm the omega 3s, the body experiences inflammation, which can result in serious chronic inflammatory conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, asthma and some auto-immune disorders.

The basics

Your daily intake of omega 3 can come from oily fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and fresh tuna plus certain plant oils, such as olive and flax. As a guideline, the Department of Health recommends 2-3 portions of oily fish per week for adults.

On average, people in the UK eat only a third of a portion of oily fish a week. Over seven out of 10 do not eat any at all. The table below indicates mean % UK population consumption of fish per week:

Consumption/week Males Females Total
Total Fish 28.5% 22.5% 25.2%
White Fish 31.2% 21.3% 25.7%
Oily Fish (excl. canned tuna) 26.4% 23.6% 24.8%
Shellfish 17.6% 15.8% 16.6%

For those who find it difficult to consume the advised weekly fish allowance, especially for those who are not keen on eating fish, or as an additional fish source for those who do, omega 3 supplements are an ideal option. The best choices come in a concentrated liquid or capsule format and adults should take at least the Joint Health Claims Initiative (JCHI), recommendation of 450mg per day to gain the maximum benefit.

Not all omega 3 is equal
Omega 3 supplements are made up of three main long chain fatty acids, EPA, DPA and DHA which come in different concentrations and at different price points. To ensure that you get the best out of your supplement you should take one with the highest concentration of the fatty acid that meets your needs:

Signs of best quality
Check the ingredient list on the pack to find out the content and dosage of each fatty acid. Look for more of EPA and DPA if you are taking omega 3 for heart health and DHA for brain health. Remember you are looking for a minimum omega 3 content of 450mg for the supplement to be beneficial.

Croda has developed the PureMax sign of quality. Products displaying the PureMax logo have gone through a unique purification and concentration technology process. The process removes heavy metals, environmental pollutants and oxidative impurities to ensure the highest quality oils. The end products have minimal impurities and contain the selectively concentrated fatty acids. Higher concentration offers greater consumer convenience, improved palatability, better dose compliance and greater cost-efficiency.

Benefits of the key fatty acids

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)
• Helps improve blood flow, reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke
• EPA has been shown to impart an antithrombotic effect by reducing blood clotting
• Proven to have preventative effects on atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
• Dietary intake of EPA can improve the balance of LDL and HDL cholesterol
• Dietary intervention with EPA may reduce vascular inflammation which can alleviate rheumatoid arthritis and reduce joint inflammation
• EPA contains mood balancing properties and can enhance brain function

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)
• Improving brain function – DHA has been shown to improve mood disorders such as depression and positively affect mental function and curb aggression
• DHA supports eye health, helping to improve overall eye function
• Pregnant and nursing mothers can improve the intelligence and happiness of their babies with DHA
• Like EPA, DHA can improve cardiovascular health help lower blood pressure
• Can improve the health of skin, nails and hair
• Can help prevent the development of allergies and protect against the symptoms of hay fever, sinus infections, asthma, food allergies and eczema

DPA (Docosapentaenoic Acid)
• DPA stimulates endothelial cell migration with an effect up to 10 times greater than EPA, which may enhance the reduction of atherosclerosis
• DPA helps prevent the formation of blood clots which can block arteries and cause heart attacks or strokes
• The levels of DPA in serum phospholipids can help prevent coronary heart disease
• DPA has been positively linked with a reduction in the risk of peripheral arterial disease in smokers

Sources of omega 3
There are two main sources of omega 3. Marine fish oil and a vegetarian source of omega 3 containing Stearidonic Acid (SDA, C18:4 n-3) derived from echium oil.

Omega 3 is increasingly becoming a part of other food sources, largely by fortification. Fortified foods include margarine spreads, milk, yogurts, bread and certain eggs. However, to receive the JHCI recommendation of 450mg daily to help maintain a healthy heart, the amount you would need to eat of each of these is substantial. The following table illustrates how fortified foods contribute to an omega 3 enriched diet: –

Source: Croda Healthcare

It is unlikely that anyone would wish to swallow 164g of low fat spread or drink nearly two litres of milk per day. However, low levels of omega 3 can be gained from these sources; a balanced diet with a healthy awareness and intake of omega 3 fatty acids is beneficial.

• Visit for up-to-the-minute information about fish oil supplements

• References:
o Arterburn LM, Bailey E, Oken H; Distribution, interconversion, and dose response of n-3 fatty acids in human, Am J Clin Nutr, 2006, 83, 1467S-76S
o Barton CL, Next-Generation Nutraceuticals . Food and pharma convergence in disease prevention and personalized nutrition, Business Insights Ltd, 2006
o Calder PC, Grimble RF; Polyunsaturated fatty acids, inflammation and immunity, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002, 26 Suppl 3, S14-S19.
o Gorman C, Park A, The Secret Killer. The surprising link between inflammation and heart attacks, cancer, alzheimer’s and other diseases, TIME, 2004, Feb
o Government Articles

Omega-3 boost mood, say Australian scientists

Sydney: Omega-3, an oil found in oily fish is now credited with improving mood and compating depression, according to Australian scientists.

Already credited with boosting brain power and healthy heart, it is also capable of boosting mood.

Australian dietician Dr Dianne Volker, of the University of Sydney, and Jade Ng, of food wholesaler Goodman Fielder, of New South Wales, found evidence that Omega-3 combats depression.

The results of their study will be published in Nutrition and Dietetics next month.

Earlier this month the UK government announced that millions of heart-attack survivors will be prescribed daily fish oil supplements for life on the National Health Service to reduce the risk of a second attack. The best source of omega 3 fatty acids is mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines or trout because the human body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids.

UK heart attack victims to get free fish oil supplements

London:UK heart attack survivors are to receive free fish oil supplements from the Government’s National Health Serice (NHS).

The patients will be prescribed the supplements which contain omega-fatty acids by their doctors in an attempt to prevent further illness.

The decision will bring the UK into line with other foreign countries such as Italy where heart attack patients are routinely given fish oil supplements on leaving hospital.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the body which approves drugs for use within the state system, currently advises that patients who have suffered a heart attack should eat a Mediterranean- style diet and increase their consumption of oily fish to between two and four portions a week.

The benefits of eating oily fish are undisputed. Omega-3s are classed as a ‘super food’ because they are critical to maintaining a wide range of body functions.
They are found in oily fish such as mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines and trout, as well as soya bean, rape seed oil, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.
They help reduce heart attack risk by cutting blood fats, reducing the chances of a blood clot and blocking dangerous heart rhythms that might otherwise prove fatal.
Research shows regular fish eaters are 30-40 per cent more likely to survive a heart attack.

Omega 3 may slow prostate cancer

Los Angeles: Increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids and reducing omega 6 fatty acides could slow the progression of prostate cancer, according to a new study by the UCLA School of Medicine.

In the study, published in Clinical Cancer Research, mice were implanted with human prostate cancer cells and then divided into two group. One group, fed on a typical Western diet with an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of 15 to 1, while the intervention group was fed the fatty acids in ratio of 1 to 1.

The cancer cells in the intervention group grew 22 per cent slow than the others. In addition the rate of growth in tumours, the final size and PSA levels were all lower

Senior author, Dr Willian J Aronson said that the study showed that altering the fatty acid ratio found in the typical Western diet to include more omega-3 fatty acids and decreasing the amount of omega-6 fatty acids reduced prostate cancer tumor growth rates and PSA levels in mice. He said more research was needed before any clinical recommendations could be made for human.

Oily fish can help obesity

Adelaide: Oily fish, such as sardines, mackerel, salmon and herrings, can help you loose pounds, a new study from the University of Adelaide has discovered.

The secret ingredient is omega 3, a beneficial oil contained in the fish. These oils have already been linked to a healthier brain, eyes and arthritis. It is thought that these oils work by helping people who are insulin-resistant which they eat more sugary foods, leading to obesity and diabetes.

Researchers found that patients who ate oily fish daily and exercised lost weight even though they did not give up their usual foods. They lost more than four pounds on average over three months.

Fatty acids, such as omega 3, increase the ability of cell membranes to use up blood glucose, meaning there is less left over to turn into excess fat.

The new research was presented at the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids Lipids’ annual conference in Australia.

Oily fish may prevent spread of prostate cancer

Manchester: Including oily fish, containing Omega 3 fatty acids may prevent the spread of prostate cancer to other parts of the border, according to research by the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research at the Christie Hospital.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men and is particularly dangerous if it infects areas such as bone marrow.

Omega 3 fats, found in mackerel, fresh tuna, salmon and sardines, have already been found to cut the risk of contracting the cancer. And this research suggests they might prevent a more aggressive form of the disease developing particularly when Omega 3 is combined with Omega 6 oils.

The experts looked at prostate cells in the laboratory and examined the extent to which they spread to bone marrow.

Both types of oils are essential for good health, but a balance could be required as omega 6 was found to help cancer to spread.

Dr Mick Brown, chief scientist in the research group, said that Omega 6 fats, found in vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, increased the spread of tumour cells into bone marrow. And this was blocked by Omega 3, so a balance was required.

The findings, published in the British Journal of Cancer, may also help in the development of drugs to stop other cancers, such as breast cancer, from spreading in the body.

Other research shows that a daily dose of fish oils could help keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay.

A team from St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London looked at the effect of omega 3 supplements on the number of glutamate receptors in the brains of aging rats. These are known to be essential to memory and alertness.

After 12 weeks, the researchers found that the concentration of glutamate receptors in the brains of rats who ate unsupplemented food had decreased. But the animals whose food had been enriched had as many as much younger rats, the journal Neurobiology of Aging reports.

The researchers believe the same could hold true for humans and say that omega 3 could hold promise as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

Body Fat Metabolising suppplements

The following supplements – taken as a formula – help the body lose body fat.

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)
ALA (alpha lipoic acid)
CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10)
acetyl L-carnitine
GLA (Gamma linoleic acid)
Omega 3
chromium polynicotinate.