Super Oxide Dismutase

A powerful enzyme and cellular antioxidant that acts as a super-scavanager of dangerous free radicals by ferreting out and destroying them throughout the skin.

Cellular Therapy

Cellular therapy – also known as live cell therapy, cellular suspensions, glandular therapy, fresh cell therapy, embryonic therapy, refers to certain treatments in which the processed tissue from animal embryos, foetuses or organis, is injected or taken orally.

The theory is that the material from the organs correspondents with the ailing or diseased organ. The animals cells work by regenerating the unhealthy organ.

The organs and glands used include thymus, liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart, ovary, testis, brain, pituitary and thyroid. They can be given individually or in combination.

The Swiss physician Paul Niehans (1882-1971) is known as “the father of cell therapy”. He founded the famous Clinique La Prairie in Clarens-Montreaux in Switzerland.

There are other clinics, mostly in Europe, offering this therapy in various forms.
There are several variations of cell therapy: the actual organic matter used can be frozen, freeze-dried or suspended in a serum. It can also be taken orally or injected intramuscularly. The cells are usually taken from the embryos of sheep or lambs.

The US company Cell Life Forever, for example, offers oral live cell therapy for the brain, prostate, muscle, skin, testical, kidney, heart, liver, bone marrow and placenta, amongst others.

The company sources its product in France and says that it is checked by the French government’s Institute Alfred Fournier laboratory.

Cell Life Forever says: “Some people may feel or see changes immediately, while others may take a number of supplements and not see any changes. “

The company says that it is unique in providing live cells. In Germany for example, Opotherapy treatments use products altered by sterilisation.

The Baxamed Clinic (Basel, Switzerland) offers “biomodular cell therapy”, which it says can be used as a preventative measure against ageing and also in the the treatment of various diseases.

The fetal cells are sourced from bovine and sheep organs from controlled herds in Australia and New Zealand.

Diseases that can be treated by biomodular cell therapy include congestive heart disease, sexual impotence, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, chronic fatigue, many auto-immune diseases and Down Syndrome. The treatment is customized to each patients’ needs. The products are injected intramuscularly, usually without any negative reaction.

RNA Products

RNA products are made exclusively of biologically active Ribonucleic Acids from fetal organs. These are essential components ov every single cell in the body. They are responsible for carrying out the instructions embedded in the nucleus of the cell for the growth and maintenance of the cell. During the time of youth there is an abundant supply of RNA to ensure the cells health. After the age of 40, though the amount of RNA in each cell dwindles as time passes and chronic degenerative diseases based on a malfunctioning cell repair system start to occur. These products supply the cells with the missing RNA. They come in single organ preparations and in combination products. For a general revitalisation, the RN 13 is commonly used. RN 13, as the name says, contains the RNA of 13 different organ systems. The main strength of RNA though is the successfull treatment of many degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s, MS, Post Polio Syndrome and others. The effect of RNA treatment comes on over an extended period of time. Depending on the site and severity of the disease, the effects are usually noticeable within 1 to 3 weeks, In severe cases, the treatment should be repeated every 1 to 2 years.

Thymus Therapy

The Thymus product we use contains 50 mg Thymus Extract with standardized polypeptides including Thymosin. It is used in the treatment of:
Impaired Immune Function
Old Age
Opportunistic Infections
Chronic Infections
Rheumatoid Diseases
Support of Cancer treatments
Prevention of Allergies

The most important system in the human body is the immune system. it is responsible for fighting off infective agents such as bacteria and viruses. More important though is its neuroendocrine ability. Research has shown that there is an important link between Thymus hormones and other hormones in the entire body. Thymus hormones induce other glands to produce their specific hormones. In addition, a healthy immune system is of the essence to prevent autoimmune diseases from developing. Thymosin is used not only in the treatment of disease, but also as a preventive measure. The usual course of treatment involves 10 intramuscular injections given over a period of 3 weeks.

The Center for Holistic Life Extension, San Ysidro, California

482 W. san Ysidro Blvd, Suite 1365, San Ysidro, California 92173
TL 01152 664 624 9639

This clinic uses embryonic cells from the blue shark to treat patients.

Health Center Clinique Lemana, Switzerland

Royal Plaza, Grand Rue 97 Case Postale 347
CH-1815 Clarens-Montreaux
T: +41 021 961 38 12
F: +41 021 961 3813

This clinic uses Cellvital therapy