What’s good for the planet is good for us….

burger.jpgA low carbon lifestyle means better health for all of us. Eating less meat could save 45,000 lives in the UK each year.

Experts have banded together to point out the connection between climate change and our bad health.  They believe our meat-heavy diets and obsession with cars is leading us to a sticky end.

An article published simultaneously in the BMJ, the Lancet and the Finnish Medical Journal today, warns that the links between climate policy and health policy must not be overlooked.

The environmental organisation, Friends of the Earth, agree; they told us that 45,000 UK deaths could be prevented each year with lower meat diets, saving the NHS £1.2 billion. Celebrities such as Paul McCartney and Helen Baxendale have also given their support to campaigns aiming to reduce meat consumption. For more meat facts see the end of this article.

Written by Robin Stott and Ian Roberts on behalf of the Climate and Health Council, it is a call to action for health professionals across the world to help tackle the health effects of climate change.

Failure to agree radical reductions in emissions spells a global health catastrophe, they say.

Later this month, representatives from countries around the world will meet at the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Mexico.

Stott and Roberts stated that “The planet is getting hotter, its people are getting fatter, and the use of fossil fuel energy is the cause of both.”

They argue that moving to a low carbon economy “could be the next great public health advance.” For example, a low carbon economy will mean less pollution and a need for more physical activity. A low carbon diet (especially eating less meat) and taking more exercise will mean less cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even depression.

A reduction in car use and meat consumption would also cut world food prices, they add.

They believe that health professionals everywhere have a responsibility to put health at the heart of climate change negotiations. “Responding to climate change could be the most important challenge that health professionals face,” they say.

Meat facts from Friends of the Earth

18 per cent of climate changing emissions occur as a result of the meat and dairy industry[i]

An area twice the size of Greater London deforested in Brazil to grow meat and animal feed for export to the UK in 2009[ii]

45,000 UK deaths could be prevented each year with lower meat diets, saving the NHS £1.2 billion[iii]

80 kg of meat eaten each year by the average Brit – equivalent to 4 sausages each day[iv]

2.7 times as much fat in the average supermarket chicken as 40 years ago – and 30 per cent less protein[v]

4 times as much meat produced around the world now as 50 years ago[vi]
It takes around 3.5 x times more land to produce a low-meat diet than a high-meat diet [vii]

Meat and dairy production uses 70 per cent of the world’s available agricultural land.[viii]

£700 million public money spent on factory farming in the UK each year[ix]

3 – optimum number of times to eat meat each week, according to Friends of the Earth’s ‘Healthy planet eating’ report.[x]


[i] UN’s Livestock’s Long Shadow 2006 http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/a0701e/a0701e00.HTM
[ii] Friends of the Earth’s Forest to Fork research, October 2010
[iii] Friends of the Earth’s Healthy Planet Eating research October 2010
[iv] Friends of the Earth’s Healthy Planet Eating research October 2010
[v] Simopoulos AP, Omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acid ratio and chronic diseases, Food Rev Intl, 2004; 20(1): 77-90.
[vi] Friends of the Earth’s Healthy Planet Eating research October 2010
[vii] Cornell University, October 2007
[viii] UN’s Livestock’s Long Shadow 2006
[ix] Friends of the Earth’s Feeding the Beast research, April 2009
[x] Friends of the Earth’s Healthy Planet Eating research October 2010


National Vegetarian Week (UK) – 18-24 May 2009

London This May it’s time to dust off your recipe books and make a fresh start for summer. Grab your shopping list, freshen up your table and try out a few new ingredients as you brush up on a healthy, cheap and delicious way of eating. From 18-24 May it’s National Vegetarian Week 2009 and the Vegetarian Society has some great tasting meat free recipes for you to try. Call + 44 (0)161 925 2000 to get hold of our new veggie pack or visit www.vegsoc.org

National Vegetarian Week 2009 18-24 May 2009 is sponsored by Cauldron Foods. Cauldron Foods together with the Vegetarian Society are encouraging more people to discover the possibilities and benefits of vegetarian cooking.

From tasty morsels for sharing at barbecues and picnics, through to everyday meals for friends and families or cheap meals for under £5 – vegetarian food has something for everyone. The Week is also a great time to brush up on your foodie know how. The often asked questions of where do you get your vitamins and minerals from? Won’t I be short of iron?

National Vegetarian Week (NVW) is the annual awareness-raising campaign promoting inspirational vegetarian food and the benefits of a meat-free lifestyle. Last year over 1400 businesses, schools, pubs, caterers, libraries and retailers all got involved with finding out the benefits of a meat-free lifestyle.
More information:
· The Vegetarian Society of the UK (founded in 1847) was the first organisation worldwide to adopt the term “vegetarian”. A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products.

Gastromonic nirvana at the Real Food Festival


Learn about how Trappist monasteries produce beer, sample rare European cured meats, including prosciutto from the Lombardian Alps in the far north of Italy. Try speciality sausage from the province of Ragusa in Sicily. Explore honey-based beverages, such as traditional aged Polish mead made from honey and sweet Ethiopian honey beer and more at the Real Food Festival in London this April.

Challenge the senses with Scotland’s best cask aged whiskies under the guidance of whisky expert Peter Gibson and meet the Chedderman, Tom Calver of Westcombe Dairy in Somerset, to hear about how his farm is protecting its farming heritage and the traditional methods of cheese production. Come along to a delicious magazine Taste Workshop at the Real Food Festival at London’s Earls Court 24-27 April.

Real Food will showcase hundreds of the most passionate producers that have been handpicked by a careful Selection Committee and subsidised to be there. One of the major highlights of the festival will be delicious magazine Taste Workshops, created by eco-gastronomes Clodagh McKenna and Sebastiano Sardo from Foodiscovery, where you can meet producers personally and take part in tutored tastings which will leave your toes tingling! There will be over 85 different delicious magazine Taste Workshops at the festival which have been categorised into distinct groups including: Meet the Producer, Discover Europe, Undiscovered Food and Gastronomic Nirvana.

Meet the Producer:

Meet the Producer workshops will include British cheese makers speaking of the challenges of producing raw milk cheese in a pasteurized world, Italian winemakers speaking of the impact of the climate and geography of their territorio on their product’s flavours and British farmers presenting sustainably-produced meat from heritage breeds.

Highlights will include:

Patchwork PatésThe Incredible Success of Patchwork Patés featuring Margaret Carter: In 1982, Margaret Carter, divorced with three children to raise, began making paté in her kitchen. Her start up costs were £9.00. Today, Patchwork produces eight award winning patés and is one of the UK’s top paté producers. Despite the commercial success the patés are still hand made using Margaret’s original recipes with no additives or preservatives. Come and meet Margaret Carter and hear the story of how she made it happen.

The Cocoa Farm – Meet the Chocolate Lovers. The Cocoa Farm (the only one in Australia) is run by a group of people so passionate about truly great chocolate they grow their own cocoa beans and make it themselves. They are obsessed with sourcing only the finest ingredients and treat them gently, interfering in the process as little as possible.

Discover Europe:This gastronomic tour of farmers, growers and artisan producers will take us from the tip of Italy to the temperate South of Sweden, sampling and learning about the best of artisans’ regional produce. Discover Europe workshops include:

Portuguese Sheep-milk cheeses paired with aged Port: The Iberian peninsula is noted for producing some of the world’s greatest sheep’s milk cheeses and the Portuguese gourmet cheeses can certainly hold their own with their Spanish cousins. Come and try the salty, fruity Quieijo de Evora, matured for at least sixty days; the strong earthy Azeitao, or the semi hard Queijo de Nisa which uses thistle flower for coagulation. These Portuguese greats will be paired with aged Port wines from the Douro’s best vintners.

Undiscovered Foods: The aim of this workshop is to turn the spotlight on food, sourced from all over Europe which is rarely found outside the region it is produced in. Sampling and discussing products as diverse as Hebriddean cheeses, rare breed air dried beef, small independent wine producers, honey made from bees kept on London roof tops or smoked tuna from Connemara. Undiscovered Foods workshops will include:

California Charcuterie & Artisan Beers: The New World’s Mediterranean – the long Pacific coast stretching along California into Mexico – is home to a climate that favours fruit trees and vegetable crops originating in Southern Europe. Today, Northern California is also proving to be a favourable climate for some of the artisan foodways native to Europe.

Gastronomic NirvanaIn Gastronomic Nirvana workshops we’ll attempt to define how and why certain foods have earned the gourmand’s devotion and gold plated reputations: a teaspoon of the purest caviar followed by a mouthful of melting crème fraiche, aged Spanish Iberico ham made from acorn-fed pork, or a crumbling shard of 3-year old Grana Padano cheese with a chaser of 25 year aged Aceto Balsamico di Modena. Gastronomic Nirvana workshops include:

The Ultimate Cure: an opportunity to taste two of the finest cured meats in the world, Culatello and Iberico ham. You will hear the history of these two great cured meats and learn about the traditional methods of production. Iberico ham, from Northern Spain, has a nutty flavour from the acorns the black pigs are fed on and Culatello, from the Po valley in Italy, is a sweet, intense and clean tasting ham.

Oyster Haven: In this workshop we compare the flavours of the finest French oysters; flavourful Belon oysters from Brittany; Marennes from the Charentais coast and Fines De Claire so called for their incredible clarity. The oysters will be coupled with expertly chosen champagnes or chilled Muscadet. This will be a day of pure indulgence for any serious gastronome …or seducer.

To find out more information on the Real Food Festival or to purchase tickets please call our hotline 0870 912 0831 or visit www.realfoodfestival.co.uk

The Real Food Festival is unique because:

A Selection Committee chaired by Lyndon Gee, former director of Slow Food UK, will select producers to ensure a high degree of integrity and quality for the event.
Small producers are being subsidised to participate, offering them a real opportunity to grow and develop their business thanks to our generous sustainers which include Whole Foods Market, Tyrells, Grana Padano and Daylesford Organics.

The festival will showcase hundreds of producers that have never been seen before at any large scale food and drink event, offering an unprecedented variety of great quality produce that has made the grade in terms of taste, provenance and sustainability.
The Real Food Festival is both a trade and consumer event, giving stakeholders the chance to reach both audiences.
Many of the producers will have not been seen before making Real Food a festival of discovery celebrating provenance, sustainability, quality and integrity in food and food producers.

The visitor experience will include:

The Food Market – the biggest Farmers Market the UK’s ever seen. The Wine Fair – Over 100 small producers of quality wines will be selected to offer their wines for tasting and to buy. Delicious magazine Taste Workshops – created by Clodagh McKenna and Sebastiano Sardo from Food Discovery, you can meet the producer personally and have tutored tastings on the things you love or always wanted to try. Cookery School – Our sustainable food guru, Barny Haughton, from Bordeaux Quay, Bristol, will be running a Cookery School where you can learn to make the simplest things like a loaf of bread. Chefs’ Theatre – The Chefs’ Theatre will stimulate the taste buds with presentations from some of the UK’s top chefs using seasonal and fresh produce to prepare regional dishes. Restaurants – A small selection of the UK’s most exciting and forward-thinking restaurants will serve signature dishes. Gala Night – A high profile Gala launch night will be organised for Thursday evening, 24 April 2008. Dinner Dates – Why stop at the event? Head to one of London’s Dinner Date restaurants and eat from a menu specially prepared for the Real Food Festival.

The Truth about Fats – by Flora



Did you know that FLORA spread was launched in 1964 when the bright minds in the government and medical profession came together and asked us to create a heart healthy alternative to butter, lard and hard margarines?

Since then we’ve kept working hard to create some of the heart healthiest yet tastiest spreads possible, which means we’ve learned a thing or two about good and bad fats. That’s why we thought we’d share what we’ve learned with you, so that you can unravel the myths surrounding fats and make the best choices to help keep your heart healthy.

Take polyunsaturated fats for example, which are important for maintaining a healthy heart as part of a balanced diet and are found in foods like seeds ,nuts & oily fish. The great news is that Flora spreads contain essential polyunsaturates, are low in saturates and are virtually trans fat free, so you can feel good about what you spread on your bread!


Even ‘lighter’ spreadable butters have at least 60% more saturated fat than Flora Light spread, which is low in saturated fat and is still a rich source of essential fatty acids. As a general rule of thumb, the harder the fat is at room temperature, the more saturated fat it contains, e.g. lard, butter & cheese, so try to ensure you don’t eat too much.


On the other hand, butter naturally contains trans fats, as well as saturated fats. As part of our commitment to improving the nation’s heart health, we’re committed to ensuring that the trans fat content of our products remains as low as possible. Both trans fats and saturated fats increase your levels of ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol, but trans fats are the superbaddies as they decrease your levels of ‘good’ (HDL) cholesterol too.


And in the UK we eat more saturated fat than is good for us. The amount of butter normally spread on 2-3 slices of bread (20g) contains approximately 10g of saturated fat – that’s the same amount you’d find in 5 rashers of streaky
bacon! Whereas the same amount (20g) of Flora Original only contains 2.4g of saturated fat, that’s over 75% less than butter. Eating too much saturated fat can lead to increased cholesterol levels in the body, which has an adverse effect on heart health. All Flora spreads are low in saturated fat, virtually trans fat free and contain essential polyunsaturates so, as part of a balanced diet, they can help to keep your heart healthy.


Cholesterol deposits can start to build up in the arteries in early childhood, so it’s vital that children enjoy a healthy, balanced diet and an active lifestyle right from the word go. The ‘good’ fats found in Flora spreads are not only essential for healthy growth and development now they can also help to maintain good heart health from childhood through to adulthood as part of a healthy balanced diet. So it’s never too early to start looking after your family’s heart health – visit nevertooearly.co.uk for more information.


There’s a whole range of Flora products for you and your family, created to suit your requirements and appeal to your taste. Flora Original and Light are firm family favourites. Flora Extra Light is perfect for people looking to cut back on their fat intake, Flora No Salt is for those cutting salt from their diet, while Flora Omega 3 Plus contains more of the most effective form of Omega 3 (EPA/DHA from fish) than any other spread, which is good for your family’s hearts as part of a healthy balanced diet. And if you just can’t do without the taste of butter, there’s even Flora Buttery Taste!

At Flora, we’re committed to helping you make the right choices, which is why we’ve introduced a simple panel of information across the Flora range. We want you to know exactly what you’re eating when you choose Flora, which is why we provide you with Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) information for certain nutrients. Take a look at the comparison between Flora Original and butter below, and you’ll see why it’s essential to have all of the facts in front of you when you’re choosing what to eat. For more information about GDAs, click on florahearts.co.uk

Is Soya Safe? – new guide reveals all

London: The Safety of Soya Leading health charity the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation (VVF) has created a new nutritional fact sheet “The Safety of Soya”.

The fact sheet reviews the latest science on soya and is essential reading for vegetarians, vegans and meat- eaters alike. VVF give you the facts on the wealth of health benefits and discuss the supposed risks of the humble soya bean.

VVF senior health campaigner and fact sheet author Dr Justine Butler says: “Soya is an excellent source of nutrients and can protect against heart disease, certain cancers and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms; it might even help boost brain power. However, not all the reports on soya are favourable; the health benefits have been questioned by some while others have gone even further, launching a vigorous anti-soya crusade. The result is confusion – people don’t know who to believe. VVF has looked at the research in its entirety and sets the record straight in this timely fact sheet”.

“The Safety of Soya” Dr Butler says “explains how soya foods are a good source of protein, good fats including omega-3s, antioxidants, B vitamins, iron and are cholesterol-free. Calcium- and B12-fortified soya products provide a valuable source of these important nutrients. The new fact sheet explains how soya lowers cholesterol and so protects against heart disease. It describes how soya has been shown to improve bone health and reduce menopausal hot flushes”.

In answer to the soya detractors Dr Butler argues that “Millions of people have been safely consuming soya foods for thousands of years. In fact, millions of infants have been raised on soya-based infant formulas in the UK and US, many of whom are now well into their late 30s and early 40s. The absence of any reported ill effects on millions of babies would suggest there are no adverse effects, either biological or clinical.”

Dr Butler warns “Much of the concern is based on the presence of natural substances found in soya called phytoestrogens (plant hormones that act like oestrogen but are much weaker). VVF is far more concerned about the actual oestrogen content of cow’s milk and dairy products. Cow’s milk contains over 35 different hormones and 11 growth factors, several of which have been linked to cancer. Considering the main complaint about soya is that it contains phytoestrogens, many thousand times weaker than animal oestrogens, it begs the
question: what is the real motivation behind the anti-soya crusade?”

Decide for yourself by reading The Safety of Soya available for 40p including p&p from Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation, 8 York Court, Wilder Street, Bristol,
BS2 8QH. Tel: + 44(0)117 970 5190 9am- 6pm. Email info@vegetarian.org.uk or visit our website at < ahref="http://www.vegetarian.org.uk"www.vegetarian.org.uk

What is the VVF?

The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation (VVF) is a charity established to monitor and interpret the increasing amount of scientific research linking diet to health.
VVF communicates this information to the public, health professionals, schools and food manufacturers and provides accurate information on which to make informed choices. It is a vital – and almost solitary – source of accurate and unbiased information and advice on diet and health and is free from any commercial or vested interests.

Red meat activates DNA mutation

Cambridge: Eating red met does raise the risk of bowel cancer, scientists at the MRC Dunn Human Nutrition Unit in Cambridge.

Earlier research, byt he UK’s Medical Research Council, has already shown that eating more than n 5 1/2oz a day – the equivalent of a burger and two sausages – increases chances of getting the disease by a third.

But the new research claims to show the cause: a substance produced in the gut by the meat damaged DNA, making the cells more likely to mutate and become cancerous.

Experts have previously said that diet, smoking, inactivity and obesity can all raise the risk.

The Cambridge team looked at the diets and cancer risk of nearly 500,000 men and women from across Europe. They discovered the cancer risk increased the more red meat consumed.

In the latest study published in the Journal of Cancer Research, the scientists examined the cells of the lining of the colon in healthy people on diffierent diets and looked at how their diet affected the cell DNA.

They found that when a red meat diet was compared with a vegetarian diet, levels of DNA damage increased. The culprit appeared to be substances called N-nitrosocompounds, which are formed in the large bowel after eating red meat.

Some of the compounds are thought to combine with DNA and destabilise it, making it more likely to undergo the harmful changes or mutations that can lead to cancer.

Too much red meat may cause rheumatoid arthritis, say researchers

London: Eating lots of red meat increases the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, say researchers at Manchester University. And smoking increases the risk of chronic ageing diseases.

Epidermiologists from the university researched 25,000 people aged between 45 and 75. They compared the diets of the 88 diagnosed with rhumatoid arthritis, the condition causes membranes lining the joints to become inflamed, leading to pain and swelling, with those in a control group of 175 others. The findings are published in the Arthritis and Rheumatism journal.

They discoverd that those who ate large mounts of red meat and who smoked were more likely to have inflammatory arthritis.

Only 35 per cent of those who suffered from arthritis had never smoked, compared with 85 per cent of the control group.

The researchers concluded that the eating of red meat would likely only affect those predisposed to the condition.

‘It may be that the high collagen content of meat leads to collagen sensitisation and consequent production of anticollagen antibodies, most likely in a subgroup of susceptible individuals,’ the team said.

‘Meat consumption may be linked to either additives or even infectious agents, but again there is no evidence as to what might be important in relation to rheumatoid arthritis.’

Experts said last night that while people who eat large quantities of red meat should consider cutting down, they should not panic.

A spokesman for the Arthritis Research Campaign, which funded the study, said: ‘This provides further evidence that environmental factors can help to trigger rheumatoid arthritis.

‘In the light of this new evidence, we would suggest that, as part of a healthy lifestyle, people should cut down the amount of red meat they eat.’

But he added: ‘We wouldn’t want people to think that if they eat four burgers a week they are going to develop rheumatoid arthritis the following week, because there are other risk factors that come into play – genetic susceptibility, smoking and low intake of Vitamin C.

‘Red meat in itself is not dangerous to health, but should be eaten in moderation as part of a balanced, healthy diet.’



This contains the 25 amino acids which are the building blocks of the body and is found in fish, meat, beans, peas, lentils, eggs, cheese and soya.

Eating the right food for your age



ANAEMIA (IRON): Teenage girls, particularly vegetarians are prone to anaemia. Partly because they loose iron in menstruation

at the same time as not getting it in the diet. Leafy green vegetables and apricots are good iron sources, but unless you eat

red meat twice a week, he recommends that teenage girls take an iron supplement containing vitamin C to aid absorption.

ACNE (ZINC): Zinc is vital for growth and repair of tissues and it regulates hormones.Low levels can lead to hormone

sensitivity and imbalances, a common trigger for teenage acne. Found in green leafy vegetables and seafood, Nigel recommends

an intake of 15 to 30mg of zinc a day – the equivalent of two servings of green vegetables or one serving of seafood.

MOODS(B-VITAMINS): Teenage blues are exacerbated by low levels of B-vitamins as well as zinc, magnesium and selenium. Vitamin

B6 (50mg daily) in particular has been shown to reduce PMS related mood swings. To ensure sufficient B-vitamins and

magnesium, teenagers should be eating three to five helpings of vegetables a day. Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium.

BONES (CALCIUM): Calcium is contained in cheese but it is far better to get it from grains and leafy green vegetables. Also

regular weight-bearing exercise which encourages calcium deposition in the


For every unit of alcohol consumed drink at least half a glass of water on top of the daily water requirement of two litres

per day. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables and take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement, which includes vitamins B and C as these are destroyed by alcohol.

ENERGY & STRESS (B-VITAMINS): Vitamin B helps the body release energy and promotes skin and hair health. The Bs are also

stress busters supporting the adrenal glands and nervous system. In addition to eating plenty of fresh vegetables, take a B

complex supplement to boost energy levels and reduce stress.

LATE 20s TO MID 30s

FERTILITY (MULTI VITAMINS/ZINC): Zinc plays a key role in fertility so a diet rich in leafy green vegetables and seafood for

good for women, and men, attempting to conceive. Vitamins C and E found in fruit and vegetables are also implicated in health reproductive function.

PREGNANCY (FOLIC ACID/OILY FISH): Women of childbearing age should consider a folic acid supplement (400mg daily) as this

reduces the risk of key birth defects. Pregnant women should also eat lots of oily fish containing essential fatty acids as these help with brain development in unborn babies.

AGEING AND WRINKLES (ANTIOXIDANTS): To slow the formation of wrinkles, drink plenty of water to prevent dehydrated skin and

eat lots of fruit and vegetables containing antioxidant nutrients which fight the effects of ageing. A daily antioxidant

supplement should be taken to protect against ageing diseases such as those of the heart or cancer.

STRESS (GINSENG/B-VITAMINS): Career and personal life stress can be assisted with B-vitamins and
Siberian Ginseng, a herbal supplement that protects the adrenal glands,

MID 30s TO 40s

SLOWING METABOLISM (HEALTHY SNACKS): Metabolism slows with age resulting in weight gain but a major study recently found that snacking – eating little and often – could prevent this. Blood sugar is also better controlled, preventing hunger pangs. To boost your metabolic rate, he also recommends Kelp supplements which contain iodine, a substance needed by the thyroid gland which regulates food breakdown.

WATER RETENTION (OILY FISH/SEEDS): Water retention, dry skin and mood swings at this age may be caused by low-fat diets

replacing them with so called slimmers’ foods. The body needs good fats for
skin health, hormone production and water regulation, so always remember to eat oily fish or seeds which contain essential fats. Eat slow release carbohydrates in fresh fruits and vegetables rather than slimming foods.

SKIN (EVENING PRIMROSE OIL): As well as antioxidant vitamins, eat plenty of oily fish or supplements of Evening Primrose Oil to prevent dry skin and fat soluble vitamins which fight wrinkles.’

50s AND 60s

MENOPAUSE (SOYA BEANS): Soyabeans and their derivatives Tofu and Tempeh – are rich in plant oestrogens, which replace falling oestrogen levels at the menopause. Eating two servings daily, or a 30mg supplement of soya isoflavones can offset the menopausal symptoms such as osteoporosis and mood swings. Tofu is also known to lower breast cancer risk.

HOT FLUSHES (BLACK COHOSH): A herbal remedy, available from most health
food shops, has been found in scientific studies to relieve hot flushes.


IMMUNITY (THYME): Thyme picked from the garden and used in food is an excellent antioxidant and immune boosterUsed as an infusion in hot water, or rubbed onto the skin in oil, it can also break up mucus to relieve congestion. Eat little and often as large meals strain the digestive system, especially in the elderly, lowering immune function.

MEMORY (GINKGO BILOBA): This herbal supplement boosts circulation and oxygen supply helping prevent cold hands and feet. Studies have also found it effective in preventing memory loss and dementia.’

JOINTS (GLUCOSAMINE): Glucosamine is produced naturally in the body to repair cartilage, but with age, we produce less and less. Supplementation with glucosamine sulphate has been found to promote joint repair and supplements of 500mg daily can even reverse mild arthritis.’

To keep bones healthy, you should also eat lots of calciumrich grains and leafy green vegetables.
