At a press event to publicise the new offerings coming up at health food stores, Holland & Barrett I meet Danish entprener Morten Sorensen who is promoting a new kind of social drinking with his own unique and very special brand of “non-alcoholic” spirit-brand called Ish.

Ginish and Rumish
I reluctantly put down my champagne glass to try the Ginish….and I was totally blown away. I can honestly say it really did taste like gin, and not one of the cheaper ones but was more akin to the spicy Orphir.
Ish does have 0.5% alcohol which allows the process of extracting the botanicals in the gin to release their full flavour – juniper berries and coriander seeds in Finish – so that you get the warm kick in the throat that you would get with full alcohol gin. It also has zero sugar and as a result of calorie content of 6 kcal per 100ml. But its still classed as non-alcohol and will soon be on sale at Holland & Barrett.
Rumish has Madagascan Vanilla and Indonesian Nutmeg and was similarly a great-tastings drink.
Morten Sorensen explains that he went on to create his brand after a 100-day alcohol-free challenge when he got his “light bulb moment”: “I realised there was an absolute need to turn the tables on the social norms of drinking. I wanted to provide an alcohol-free option for those who don’t always have the desire to drink alcohol, but appreciate the social aspects of enjoying a cocktail.
He adds: “It’s for those to want to tear up the dance floor sober.”
I know exactly how he feels. A while back I gave up alcohol for several months. It also coincided with a visit to Cannes – a press trip to investigate shopping. That involved popping into all the designer shops on the Croisette for a glass of champagne. I surprised myself by resisting and even danced my socks off completely sober one evening. But I am afraid my will slumped to all time allow at a lunch on the beach on the final day of the trip. It was one of those glorious days with a blue sky and sun….and as we watched a modelling show I could see a silver wine cooler on our table contained a bottle of rose wine glistening with moisture, beckoning me towards it.
Ish is being imported into the UK by and its currently on offer for £24.99 and their shop here