Fear of ageing kicks in at 50!
- 65% say they are afraid of getting old
- Worries about becoming less physically able top the list of concerns
- More than 2/3 admit they should be doing more exercise
With the population living longer than ever before1, it is somewhat of a concern that two thirds of women aged 50 and over are already worrying about getting old! Anxieties about the implications of getting older, such as lack of energy (52%), ageing looks (34%) and not liking loud music (21%) are contradicted by the lack of proactivity from this group, to counter the effects of getting older in body and mind.
To help inspire people to change their behaviour, MegaRed Omega-3 Krill Oil, a food supplement proven to support heart health, has launched a campaign called Young@heart, to provide information, advice and motivation to help people take the first step towards better health and wellbeing.
Research conducted to support the launch revealed that when it comes to exercise, women over 50 have a sizeable ‘excuse bank’ to avoid getting sweaty. ‘I don’t enjoy exercise’ (24%), ‘I don’t have enough time’ (21%), and no money (22%), were among the top reasons cited for being inactive.2
Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore, advises celebrity fitness trainer James Daly: “Joining a gym isn’t the only way to keep active. Try making small changes such as committing to a Sunday walk and start with lower intensity exercises such as swimming to get comfortable with the basics. Above all, exercise should be fun so find an activity you enjoy that you will stick to!”
Healthy body healthy mind!
Feeling young in spirit and trying new things are just as important as diet and exercise, something which Young@heart ambassador, Gabby Logan agrees with: “Feeling young at heart is just a question of attitude, but being young at heart takes a bit more effort. For our bodies to remain as dynamic and strong as the way we feel inside, it takes among other things a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.”
Key to your physical health and wellbeing is ensuring you have a healthy heart something which nearly half (50%) of this demographic has started to consider. However when it comes to being dynamic in mind, too many admitted to being reliant on television rather than seeking out ways to be more active socially. Nearly three in five (58%) women 50+ said they recognised that they want to be more social but felt they needed more confidence (15%) and inspiration (19%) to take that step.
The Young@heart online hub – www.young-heart.co.uk – is designed to give the encouragement and stimulation to help people feel more young at heart. See how your physical age compares with your attitude age by taking the Young@heart quiz or check out the Young@heart ambassador gallery for inspirational stories and videos from people who have already embraced the Young@heart outlook. Gabby concludes: “I recommend anyone over the age of 50 take the Young@heart quiz and make a heart health pledge – it might be exactly the encouragement you need!” Visit the MegaRed Young@heart hub now and discover what your heart health says about you: www.young-heart.co.uk.
- Royal Geographical Society. “Who wants to live forever? Why are people living longer?” Available from: http://www.rgs.org/OurWork/Schools/Teaching+resources/Key+Stage+3+resources/Who+wants+to+live+forever/Why+are+people+living+longer.htm [last accessed: 5 June 2013]
- MegaRed Omega-3 Krill Oil survey involving 1000 people, UK data, June 2014
- Contains EPA and DHA. Ref.: the EU Register of approved Nutrition and Health Claims – EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart
- Nutraingredients, The Power of Phospholipids: The Superior Source of Omega-3s, 2013, Available from: http://www.nutraingredients.com/smartlead/view/764082/4/The-Power-of-Phospholipid-Omega-3s2 [last accessed: 5 June 2013]
- Berge, K, A More Efficient Delivery System for Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Wellness Foods Europe, 2010, 43-47
- MegaRed Krill Oil products carry the blue MSC seal which is a guarantee that the crustaceans have been caught in accordance with sustainable fishing standards