Positive people live longer


Boston: Children of parents who live to be 100 have been found to have distinct personality traits that seem to be inherited and contribute to healthy ageing and longevity.

Boston University School of Medicine researchers conducted a study of centenarians, finding that longevity runs in families. The children studied experienced delays in heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Personality traits associated with healthy aging included agreeableness, extroversion, and low levels of neuroticism.

Studies involving children of centenarians have shown that, compared to the norm, children whose parents live a long life have a 120 percent lower mortality. They live longer and experience healthy aging by avoiding typical age-related illnesses until much later in life.

The study authors say, “Interestingly, whereas men and women generally differ substantially in their personality characteristics, the male and female offspring (of centenarians) tended to be similar, which speaks to the importance of these traits, irrespective of gender, for health aging and longevity”.

Thomas Perls, MD, MPH, director of the New England Centenarian Study, and senior study author says the reason children of centenarians live longer may be in the way they handle stress, contributing to longevity and healthy aging. . “For example, people who are lower in neuroticism are able to manage or regulate stressful situations more effectively than those with higher neuroticism levels. Similarly, high extraversion levels have been associated with establishing friendships and looking after yourself.”

Dr. Perls says studies are underway that may tell us why some people live longer than others do. Maybe the secret to healthy ageing is in our genes – or perhaps living longer is as simple as maintaining an outgoing personality, not worrying, and remaining agreeable with whatever comes our way.

Hollywood’s top motivator reveals how you can..


By Peter C Siegel, RH, Executive Director PowerMind

You’ve thought about running a marathon. But as you begin your pre-race training, you soon realize it’s way tougher than you thought. Watching other experienced runners, you find yourself thinking, “Well, I guess they can do it, but I can’t.”
Or, you look in the mirror and realize 15 fewer pounds would do you and your waistline a world of good. But you’ve tried to diet and exercise before. “Well, I guess I just ‘can’t’ stay on track,” you lament.

But think for a moment. In both preceding examples, just why “can’t” you?

Really think about it! Is there any logical reason you’d embrace as to why others can accomplish something, but you “can’t”? Let me tell you, in a majority of cases, “I can’t” is just unquestioned, erroneous thinking…an unchallenged mental habit! And I’m about to give you a strategy to override this tendency in a way which incites decided success actions and behaviors.

As you think, you become. If you say and believe that you “can’t” do something, you won’t. But if you firmly embrace the idea that you Can – and you Must do it – things you may once have thought impossible for you will start becoming eye opening, esteem building, personal triumphs!

And so from this time forward, whenever or wherever you find yourself entertaining thoughts suggesting “I can’t”, give yourself the deliberate mental command, “I MUST !” Say it boldly to yourself: And f-e-e-l the idea pulsing vigorously though you, allowing the nourishing power it engenders to flood every muscle, nerve and fiber within you.

By this exclamation “I MUST !”, thought or spoken with conviction, you access the instinctive competence part of you…that automatically knows what to do, how to do it, and then just does it — directly, and decisively! You just perform spontaneously, exactly as you need to achieve a specific result.

Overriding “Can’t”/Initiating Success Action – The Strategy

To support “I Must !” becoming ingrained in your thinking. engage the following process every time you project an “I can’t” notion. [*Do Not Use This Process While Driving Or While Performing Any Activity Requiring Your Comprehensive Alertness!]

Immediately, upon becoming aware you’re thinking “I can’t” in relation to something:

1) Close your eyelids down and breathe deeply.

2) Think, or if appropriate, verbalize emphatically: “Every Time I Think I ‘Cant’…I MUST !”

3) Then, In your imagination, project a scenario depicting yourself the embodiment of boldness, deliberately taking the initiative to do, achieve, and succeed with the aspect where your “I can’t” notion emerged.

4) Envisioning this,, deeply sense the realness, and impact, of your action specificity. Imaginatively experience yourself generating the degree of power and competence reflecting you are confidently taking charge (while experiencing yourself acting in that specific way which conclusively accomplishes the task)!

6) Experience yourself producing or accomplishing the outcome you recognize will occur from your straightforward, success directed “I MUST !” actions.

7) Savoring the strength and esteem accompanying what you just envisioned, open your eyes and immediately start do-ing — in exact accord with your “I MUST !” visualization!

Use this strategy as outlined, and steadily you’ll find “I MUST !” becoming your rule of thumb, and “I CAN” becoming the predominant fact of your life!

Pete Siegel is an internationally acclaimed peak performance hypnotherapist, and high-profile personal development author. To review his best selling life and success building programs, visit www.incrediblechange.com